工程 Laboratory 设施 

Quality learning is multidimensional. Pouring over diagrams and figures in a textbook, or listening to a professor explain theoretical concepts, is not enough to develop a working, masterful understanding of complex realities. For those realities to come alive, 它们必须被遵守, teased and tested in their natural environment. Engineers are often know for their desire to experiment and tinker. At 沃拉沃拉大学's 工程学院, 这种探索的冲动被引导到深度学习中:在威尼斯人彩票直营一流的实验室里,好奇心有发展的空间. 所有的学生,从大一到大四,都在工程实验室工作,以获得实践经验,加强他们的课堂教育, from machine assembly to robotics, 流体力学与结构. 参观一下威尼斯人彩票直营下面的设施,了解一下作为沃拉沃拉大学工程系的学生,你将享受到的空间.




  1. 点击上面的播放按钮.
  2. 使用屏幕底部的导航面板浏览威尼斯人彩票直营的13个实验室.
  3. 用你的鼠标在实验室里点击,“推”或“拉”图像, you can also zoom in and out using the scroll wheel on your mouse.
  4. 使用下面的下拉元素来了解上图中不同的实验室.


这个实验室空间的重点是进行土木工程结构测试. 实验室的中心是一个结构测试坑,有一个大型钢承重框架, 一个50基普的驱动器, a 100 kip actuator and Instron controllers for data acquisition. 该实验室还配备了一台具有计算机控制和数据采集功能的Instron 135 kip负载框架, which is used to test materials such as steel bars, wood, 混凝土和土工织物. It is also used for material testing associated with student projects, 与当地工程行业合作进行了大量的材料测试. 重型材料可以用桥式起重机在实验室周围移动,起重机上有两个5吨重的钩子.


  • ENGR 321L – Mechanics of 材料实验室
  • ENGR 323 – Civil 工程 Materials
  • ENGR 442 – Reinforced Concrete Structural Design
  • ENGR 443 – Timber Structural Design

Electromechanical Energy Conversion Lab

学生使用这个实验来测试和探索他们在机电能量转换(EMEC)课上学到的理论. The space contains mechanically linked AC and DC machines, 三相变压器组, LabVolt 200-watt electric machine systems, two brushless 3 kW servo motors and drives, 以及用于表征永磁直流(PMDC)电机的小型测功机. 实验室的仪器包括福禄克三相功率和能量分析仪,B&K直流负载,高斯表,频闪,数据采集模块,和扭矩传感称重传感器. Besides getting hands-on experience studying EMEC principles, 学生还将获得工业电气控制柜布线的经验, including working with lock-out/tag-out procedures.


  • ENGR 318L – Electromech Energy Conv Lab


WWU流体实验室包含研究流体行为和热过程的设备, including a fluid closed-flow test stand, a tilting flume for studying open-channel flow, 一个低速风洞, 一种热交换装置, 暖通空调试验台, a Bohlin CVO rheometer and a high-pressure test chamber. After completing ENGR 331 – Fluid Mechanics, 学生将在ENGR 364 -流体力学实验室中亲身接触到流体力学研究的许多不同方面.


  • ENGR 364 – Fluid Mechanics Lab


在这个实验室里, Stratasys工业3D打印机和Makergear产消级3D打印机支持为学生和工业客户制造零件. 学生经营一个工业客户服务局(在教师监督下), providing both design services and prototype fabrication. Learn more about the additive manufacturing lab.


  • Various student and faculty projects


The 材料实验室 is used to study various engineering materials. Five furnaces are used for metal heat treatment, 以便学生研究处理对试样材料性能的影响. Several devices—including two Rockwell hardness testers, 夏比/伊佐德冲击试验机一台, 淬透性测试仪, two Tinius Olsen universal testing machines, 并且使用多台显微镜来研究处理前后的样品. 样品可以在斯特劳斯研磨/抛光机和砂带机的帮助下制备. This lab provides full capability to heat treat, 退火和硬化金属, 以及测试金属的拉伸性能和冲击强度的能力, and the hardness of various materials.


  • ENGR 322L – 工程 材料实验室

Robotics and Manufacturing Systems Lab

这个实验室是用来教机器人和工厂自动化的帮助下,两个安川摩托机械手, a number of AutomationDirect PLC’s, pneumatic components and custom linear actuators. 森精机数控车削和加工中心提供工业级制造能力. 相邻的机加工车间配备了手动车床、铣床和其他工具来支持加工, assembly, 和修补.


  • ENGR 467 -机器人技术
  • ENGR 480 – Manufacturing Systems
  • 各种高级项目


Equipment in this lab supports biomaterials design, research, and development for senior projects, 生物研究课, 生物工程材料类, and for Murdock Grant Research Fellows. All of the lab’s main equipment—including an electrospinning machine, a second-generation bioprinter that is also capable of electrospinning, 一个生物反应器, 还有两个用于混合聚合物和溶剂的玻璃杯,是由工程专业的学生和工作人员设计和制造的.


  • BIOL 316 – Intro to Biological Rsrch II
  • ENGR 386 – Bioengineering Materials
  • BIOL 416 – Research in Biology


本实验室支持学生在飞行力学课程中构建和实验模型飞机/无人机和四轴飞行器, 以及各种高级项目. 工业激光切割机和经过大量修改的CNC热丝泡沫切割机能够快速成型并有效地构建各种组件, 复合结构的制造由真空装袋设备和排气罩支撑. 内部开发和商业软件都可用于设计飞机的机翼和机身.


  • ENGR 475L – Mechanics of 飞行实验室
  • 各种高级项目


工程电子学和电力电子学专业的学生使用本实验室获得电子设备的实际操作经验, 并尝试课堂理论在现实世界中的应用. It contains eight workstations, each equipped with an RF signal generator, a vector network analyzer/spectrum analyzer, 数字示波器, 函数生成器, 图形万用表, 电源, 手工具, 还有一台电脑. 在这个实验室里有各种其他的测试设备,用于更专业的测量, including a Tektronix semiconductor curve tracer, network and spectrum analyzers, 频率计数器.


  • ENGR 356L/357L – 工程 Electronics Lab (I & II)
  • engr460 -电力电子


Students studying digital logic, 数字设计, 嵌入式系统, instrumentation and VLSI design use this lab to support their studies. Several senior projects also utilize this lab. 该实验室包含8个相同的工作站,每个工作站都配备了泰克TBS 2000系列示波器, a Phillips 200 MHz Combiscope (Analog & Digital), an Agilent 33250A 80 MHz arbitrary waveform and function generator, a Tektronix 5201 Logic Analyzer, 一个HP6236B三路电源, 福禄克8846A电压表, and Linux/Windows dual-boot workstations. The computers are equipped with Kicad, Xilinx, MATLAB, LTspice, Keil, and various other software packages to support design tasks.


  • ENGR 325L – Instrumentation Lab
  • engr354 -数字逻辑
  • engr355 -嵌入式系统
  • engr433 -数字设计
  • 超大规模集成电路设计


学生在本实验中构建和分析基本的电子电路,以扩充电路分析和线性系统分析等课程所教授的原理. The lab contains nine stations, each configured with Tektronix TDS-210 digital oscilloscopes, HP-6235A triple power supplies, Fluke 45 bench and 115 true RMS handheld meters, and Siglent SDG 805 signal generators. Each station also has a computer for data gathering and analysis.


  • ENGR 228L – Circuit Analysis Lab
  • ENGR 350 – Linear Systems Analysis

Electrical 工程 Projects Lab

电气工程项目实验室是制造电子电路的主要空间. 定制的学生和教师电子设计通常在其他地方制造商业印刷电路板, 虽然威尼斯人彩票直营可以使用LPKF Protomat S62铣床制作简单的pcb. After receiving the printed circuit boards, 威尼斯人彩票直营可以用实验室的表面安装手动拾取机器在上面放置零件, 焊锡膏分配器, and industrial batch reflow oven. 立体显微镜和热空气返修站使电路检查和维修. Basic test instruments are available for quick testing, 虽然完成的组件通常被带到模拟或数字实验室进行进一步的工作.


  • Various student and faculty projects